Lost Circulation Solutions

Whether due to natural, porous, or vugular formations, fluid loss can add both time and cost for a drilling program. QMax’s lost circulation solutions help mitigate loss-associated risks including stuck pipe, drilling fluids losses, and well remediation to keep our customers on-time and on budget.
QMAXPLUG is a one-sack blend, heat activated crosslink polymer, that was developed for sealing high permeable and fractured formations when experiencing mud losses.

QMAX SQUEEZE is designed to produce both an open-hole plug, and an inner zonal shut-off. The product is designed for matrix and fractured formations.
QPLUG is based on polymers, silicate, and calcium chloride brine, and uses sands/solids in the formation or added LCM materials to plug loss circulation zones in shale, sand, limestone, and dolomite.
Contact QMax Today
The QMax team focuses on providing unparalleled results and quality service for YOUR unique well. Call or email us today to learn more about how QMax can help your next oil and gas project.